Monthly Archives: June 2011

First post…

Well, this is new! If you’ve found your way here via my ‘other’ blog – welcome. If you found it randomly, hello to you too!

Although there is a separate page on the other blog for my craft stuff (which is mostly just to share photos with people), this one is for things I’ve made, creative things I’ve found, various creative people I meet and come across, etc. Of the things that I make myself, many of them can be made to order and sold. If you see something you’d like, simply let me know and we can sort something out between us, I’m sure. Occasionally I may post things made by other people. Full credit will be given, as well as a link to the specific page/artist. Sometimes this might go wrong, so feel free to correct me if this happens.

As you can see, things are very much Under Construction.  Bear with me and things will soon be up and running as they should.  Thanks for your patience.